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Legendary Landscape Photographer Stephen Marlin Shares his secrets to taking the most beautiful infrared photography - even if you have little or no experience and a basic digital camera

Here's What You'll Get If You Sign Up Today

Learn the steps to take your landscape photography portfolio from zero to hero

1: What To Avoid

The top 10 mistakes newbies make when they first start with infrared photography.

2: Tips & Tricks

The best tips and tricks I use every time I shoot infrared photography.

3: How To Edit

How to edit your infrared photographs in Photoshop, Lightroom or Affinity Photo.

You Will Learn How To Use The Worlds Leading Software

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You Will Learn The Top Tips & Tricks That I Use Everyday

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I'll Make The Daunting World of Infrared Photography Totally Understandable!

Stephen Marlin

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Click the button below now to get instant access to a set of 3 high quality videos which will teach you all about infrared photography

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