Professional Empowerment Coaching and Hypnosis Services to Help Take Yourself Where You Want to Go - In Business - or in Any Aspect of Your Personal Life. 

Are you ready to navigate change in your personal and professional worlds... to make meaningful progress toward your life's goals?

Take your next action step now and watch this two minute video.

Getting to Where You Want to Go In Life Requires Courage, Confidence, A True Sense of Mission and Purposeful Action, and It Requires Your Careful Navigation.

Let's Work Together to Help You Design The Life You Seek to Create... or Accomplish The Goals and Intentions You've Set For Yourself!

Dear Friend,

What intention have you set for yourself that led you here, to my coaching site? Is there an obstacle in the way of you making lasting progress, or perhaps, are you stuck and needing some help?

Sometimes, we get in our own way and the very things we want for ourselves in life just seem elusive. Many times, it is our own mind that gets in the way of meaningful progress. Agree?

Well... I want you to know one thing you have going for you:

You have the awesome mind power to take your life to new heights, in a new direction, or simply to live a more joyful and abundant life. With this in mind, to help you begin to map your success, I want to share my free guide to the seven habits that can best serve your purposes as you chart a new course. These ideas can get you started, even before we work together in coaching, professional hypnosis, or consulting. (You'll find it below.)

More importantly, however, let's have a conversation to explore your intentions, your goals, and how I can help you muster up all of the courage and confidence you need to move forward better, and to blast away all of the obstacles holding you back from enjoying what you seek and deserve in life.

It's Your Turn to Reach New Heights! Rise Above It All

and Journey to Destination: Excellence!

Need help making progress on a business or personal goal? However large or small, it starts with a commitment to your unique intention. I have combined decades of experience as a marketing consultant, as a performance coach to small business owners, and as a professional hypnotist.  And yes, I am also a balloon pilot. Each requires exceptional (self) influence and persuasion skills.  I have found a unique blend of skills and experience that can help you to influence your own minds (and the trajectory of your life), as well as influence the minds of others. Let's explore how I can bring this experience to support you in your journey.

Sometimes the answer to navigating through life is to hire a pilot!

Sometimes you need to do a deep dive to fly high in life... and if you are ready for some powerful coaching to take you where you want to go... then let's talk! Y

Let the Veteran Submarine Sailor and Balloon Pilot Help You Navigate A New Course.

Bob Martel

Get ready to overcome all obstacles, fears and challenges so that you can enjoy a happier, more abundant, and more joyful life... or simply to make great progress toward making your intentions a reality.

With several years of experience navigating a submarine throughout the depths of the Pacific, and navigating the skies in ballooning adventures, and helping people just like you to achieve greater levels of excellence, I may be the right hypnotist and coach to help you now.

Achieving new levels of excellence in success requires an occasional "deep dive" in order to have greater awareness and focus, and to make true progress. Yes, submarines and hot air balloons may seem a bit much here, but the skills you need, and the decisive action you'll be taking, are not unlike navigating deep waters or the skies above! I can help coax and coach you toward realizing the intentions you've set, or even help you clarify the intentions to help you navigate!

Why not schedule your free 15-minute consult to explore things? You can do that here... if you are ready to have a conversation.

Our core coaching and hypnosis services are designed to help get you to where you are trying to go, in business or in life:

Professional Hypnosis

Hypnosis can help you access the vast resources within, and help you eliminate the obstacles in the way of your success. I can help you tap into the awesome power of your mind to take you on (or continue) your journey.

Sleep Coaching

If waking refreshed and ready to greet your day is a serious challenge for you, then let's explore how self-hypnosis can help you fall and stay asleep so you can have a happy and productive day.

Life Coaching

Sometimes people get stuck or frozen in their tracks, unable to move forward. I'll help you see the world around you with greater clarity of mind and help you get on that "welcoming path" called your life!

Business Performance

Sometimes small adjustments, a little reframing, and the courage to take bold steps are what's needed in business. I'll help you face and remove the obstacles impeding your progress on both a personal and a professional level. Using hypnosis and coaching, you'll become unstoppable in your pursuits.

What's your next step going to be?   even if  I am here to help when you are ready.

Remember, every day is a brand new beginning. The time to start taking new action is right now. Schedule your free consult or keep exploring. I say let's start the process right now with a conversation!

Blending hypnosis and coaching accelerates your progress, beyond what either may do separately. If you have already booked time on my calendar, I can certainly explain hypno-coaching at that time, or you can click here now to watch a short video and also explore some of our other programs.

Will you schedule a consultation to explore how hypnosis may be right for you? Will you grab either or both of my books?
Will you grab either or both of my hypnosis books?
Will you decide that now is the right time to take bold new action?
Will you take baby steps in the right direction to help you make the changes you want for yourself?

P.S. - Two more things - while you are here!

#1. If you struggle to consistently get a good night's sleep, then my new book, I Am Sleeping Now, will come in handy. You can condition your mind and body to sleep well again, using only the power of your mind to do so! Click below and grab a copy at Amazon. Available as a Kindle e-book, in paperback, hardcover, and soon in audio format!  Then go to the book's resource page for more sleep-related information.

#2. As I mentioned at the top of this page, I have prepared a short report about habit change! You'll be amazed at the life changing power of making little changes in your life. Whether you want to eliminate some habits or start new ones, this will get you started. When you schedule your free consult call, we can discuss any habitual success patterns that will move you forward. Grab the report below by telling me where to send it.

It's About Your Habits: Learn the seven ways to create habits that serve your purposes. Just tell me where to send your free guide:

Copyright 2024 © Positive Results Hypnosis - Bob Martel

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Are You Ready to Take Your Life
in a New Direction?

Tell me where to send my report and it’s yours for the asking!

Your success in life is all about what I call "the tiny habitual success patterns" that propel you forward.

This free eBook is packed with actionable ideas that will change your life. Get it now:
